Dustin's Story

Carpe diem quam minime credula postero – “Seize the day, trusting as little as possible in the future”
- Horace
Carpe diem quam minime credula postero – “Seize the day, trusting as little as possible in the future”
- Horace

Some may think that this is an odd way of thinking. I mean not trusting in the future? But what I have always taken from this, is that we need to live in and savor the moment. Do the things that you want to do. Say what you want to say because tomorrow is never promised.

I was born and raised in sunny Southern California. At the age of 8, I was diagnosed with Tourettes Syndrome. It never made things super easy for me. But it was never something that I let define who I am.

Luckily, I have incredible parents, family, and friends who helped me through the rough times. It led to a lot of people underestimating me, and I was always happy to prove them wrong! Whether it was racing quads, making it to the varsity track team, or reaching a level of high school choir that ended up with me performing all over Europe. I was always up for a challenge!

Dustin's Story 1
Dustin's Story 2
Dustin's Story 3

The funniest thing about my story is that it joined up with Vy’s, way before we even met. Like her, in my mid-twenties, a bad breakup drove me to jump out of my first airplane. And that was the beginning of everything! I think that skydiving is something that everyone needs to experience at least once in their life. It is life-changing!

From that moment, I knew that I felt the most alive when I was on the edge. The next thing I knew, I was bungee jumping off bridges and looking for anything that could make my heart race! I love that intense focus you get right before you do something crazy. It’s like you are alone at the moment faced with only the task at hand.

In 2012, my path and Vy’s crossed. I had found my adventure buddy! I had never found someone who could run at my crazy pace before. All of the crazy things that I loved before had taken on a new meaning. Because now I had someone doing these crazy things right alongside me. And not only did Vy join me on adventures, but she pushed me to new heights. She also encouraged me to chase my dreams of becoming a professional photographer, and I am proud to say that I have been full-time since 2016.

I hope that we can inspire you to start crossing things off of your bucket list today! You will be glad that you did!