
Adventure Guide

Activities: Canyoneering Main Panel
The thrill of plunging into a canyon and the freedom of being able to move through it all by yourself is an experience you can’t get anywhere else.

– Unknown

When we first got into canyoneering, we really didn’t expect to fall in love with it. Canyoneering introduces us to a whole new world. It combines gorgeous sceneries, thrilling experiences, and amazing teamwork. Through canyoneering, we’ve met many awesome people, most of whom turn into lifelong friends. It keeps us coming back, wanting more. We love documenting our adventures as we navigate, learn and grow as canyoneers. Hopefully, you’ll find our guides helpful.

Activities Quote Panel: Canyoneering




BY states

Quick Guide on Canyoneering S’mores Canyon (Frye Creek Canyon) | AZ
S’mores Canyon (Frye Creek Canyon) in Arizona is a super fun swift-water canyon with a big payoff for a very easy approach.
Guide to Canyoneering Little Santa Anita Canyon – High Flow
Little Santa Anita a.k.a LSA Canyon is a perfect beginner canyon located in Sierra Madre, CA, unless after a heavy rain, then it turns into a fun class C canyon full of